Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

My little Captain America & his punching bag
Hitting, biting, kicking, punching, spitting, licking.  All things that my children have done to each other on an occasional basis.  We have not dealt with chronic biters, which I am grateful for.  We had not dealt with any of these things on a wide scale until we had our beautiful, intense third born child.

This boy was born ready.  He arrived after we had been at the hospital for just under 1 hour.  My previous labors has put me in the hospital for at least 12 hours of my labor.  He came so quickly that one nurse had my doctor on the phone and the other nurse called down for the on-duty ER doctor to please come up.

There are so many things that I have come to learn through this child.  He will try something just to see what happens, or to simply see if he can do it.  Among other places I have found him (under the age of 4) on top of the van, on the ledge of the deck, and on a friend's roof (a low hanging roof over a deck).  I realized that none of these things had I specifically told him "not" to do.  He is a smart kid and will keep thinking of things to try that I will not have anticipated.  So, for the past two years I have been drilling into his brain that he needs to make "safe choices."  We talk OFTEN about what this means.  We talk about how it makes mom and dad feel when he does NOT make a safe choice.  And we also compliment him whenever we can we we notice he DID make a safe choice.

Hitting has been the single other biggest struggle so far with this child.  He has the need to constantly move and constantly hit things - most of all his brother.  So after incessant reminders, time-outs, and talks about being gentle my mom and I were talking one day and came up with the idea of a punching bag.  After doing some research and checking out Craig's List, we found an awesome bag.  It does take up space in our house, however it has been such an amazing fit for the needs of my child, I would gladly do it again.  We have all enjoyed using it - whether it be to work out (me), get out some anger (my 6 year old), or just have fun trying it (everybody else).

Do you deal with any active children in your home?
How do you encourage them to make "safe choices?"
Would you ever consider something like the punching bag to help fill a need of your child (something to bite for a biter, something to spit on for a spitter)?


  1. We have a great book called: "No Biting: a Flip-the-Flap Book by Karen Katz" - which you've probably seen. I love it because it gives the kids alternatives to aggresive behavior, like no biting your friends. What can you bite? An apple! No pushing in line. What can you push? A swing! My favorite: No spitting at your brother. When can you spit? When you brush your teeth! All the kids like this book, but the boys have especially enjoyed it.

    I need to have a go at that boxing bag next time I've over!

    1. Totally agree - love that book! Come and get some fury out on the bag anytime :)

  2. Your little guy sounds so my like our little Adi! She is on-the-go all the time. Making safe choices is something we talk about here too! We haven't quite gotten to the hitting stage, yet.

    1. These wonderfully intense children sure do make life interesting! I think they are also generally super smart, the challenge (as you well know being a teacher) is to keep them occupied with things that are interesting to them as well as safe! Maybe Adi will be intense in another way than hitting - she does have a little twinkle in her eye :)

  3. My 13 yr old was like that. NO FEAR! Gung ho on trying anything he could get to. I can say that they DO grow out of it, for the most part. (still a thrill seeker, but just on amusement rides.....LOVES ROLLER COASTERS! I have yet to see one he won't try!) But keep encouraging making those safe choices. Ask him afterwards what might have happened if he _____________ (i.e. fell out of the tree, fell off the deck, fell off the roof) Often times I would find my Ryan saying "I don't know...what?" and as he got a bit older, then we had the "well, I wouldn't fall....." He did eventually get that some choices in life aren't safe, and we have to make good decisions based on thinking them through, which was always key to making the right choice....THINKING IT THROUGH BEFORE ACTING ON IT. He makes good choices now, and I am happy that we are on this side of that spectrum now~ Although some of those roller coasters we've been to don't exactly do a mothers heart good....LOL~

    Jennifer Bailey

    1. Love it!!! Sounds like a good outlet that lets him be "himself" and explore the "edge" while staying in some reasonable bounds for a 13 year olds. Ryan has always been such a neat kid - I imagine he is now a bright, kind, active young man!
