Friday, April 26, 2013

Baking Soda & Vinegar Fun!

Quick, fun, and cheap activity for your kiddos!  Probably best for ages 2 1/2 and up, but nothing involved that can't be ingested ;)

First we got the baking soda patted down onto trays, both kids tried licking their hands after this and decided they agreed with mom that it didn't taste like sugar.

I prepped 3 cups of vinegar & liquid watercolor (but of course you can use good ol' food coloring too!) and droppers.  Then they took the droppers we talked about how you fill them up and then release them onto the baking soda - fun!

Both kids (ages 3 & 5) stuck with this until all of their baking soda was "painted" with the vinegar (about 20 minutes) - if you have never tried this combination, it bubbles and fizzes - so fun!  If the mess worries you, try this out on the deck or in the yard - good cheap fun!


Do you have any cheap, easy "science" idea for kids?
Do you tolerate a mess well as a parent or do you like to save things like this for summer and outside?