Saturday, November 22, 2014

Growth of Gratitude: 3 Tips for all Parents

How do you encourage a grateful heart in your children?

I believe our children are naturally born not understanding how to show gratitude to others...we are selfish beings, we humans, and especially when we are little, we are only worried about our own needs.  We are prone to feeling entitled to have what we want without thinking about others.

There are easy opportunities to build in gratitude with our littles are 3 ideas:

  1. Model it ~ I know, nothing news-breaking here, but it is simply this: if your children never see you showing gratitude to others, if all they hear you do is complain and whine about how others have it better (more money, bigger home, more obedient kids, etc) how will they ever have any idea what it means to be grateful?  So, make a point to show gratitude, especially in front of your kiddos...a simple "thank you" to the checkout clerk...a mention of how lucky or blessed you are to have a roof over your head...start with small stuff and work up to the things you have a harder time being grateful for in your own life.
  2. Broaden your child's worldview ~ volunteer in a food shelf, meet up with someone that grew up in another culture, sponsor a child through World Vision or Compassion International.  Basically, expand your child's world, so they realize that others live a very different experience, not necessarily better or worse, but different.
  3. Involve them ~ When we give our children everything they want, when they have no "stake" in the things they own, activities they are involved in, or gifts they give to others, and it is hard for them to feel anything but entitlement for those things.  However, when we do the extra work (and YES, it does take extra work) of involving them in the process of these things, they will naturally learn to care more and be more grateful for the things they have...they want a new toy/clothes/activity?  Have them earn money for it, do chores to earn it, or otherwise have some work/effort connected to it.
Building a grateful heart is no easy process, but you can do it!  If this is something you struggle with as a parent, start small...pick one thing:
  • write down one thing everyday you are grateful for
  • send one text a day to someone, letting them know you are thankful for them
  • figure what you complain about most and create a "trigger" for yourself (eg. when you feel like complaining because your home is too small, remind yourself that not all are so lucky to have a roof over their heads)
  • do "without" something for awhile...fancy coffee, eating out, sugar.  This reminds us how lucky we are to normally be able to have these things.
  • at supper/breakfast/in the car have family members share something they are thankful for
What do you think is missing from this list?  
What is time you saw your kiddos show a glimmer of hope with learning what gratitude is?