Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tiger Mom makes me feel lazy...(a book review)

Just finished reading the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and found it to be extremely interesting.  Like couldn't hardly put it down interesting...I am a fairly voracious reader and especially love parenting books (might have something to do with how much I also love my job!) and this was such a fantastically written one - a glimpse into another parenting style from a different culture. 

The author is a self-described "Chinese mother" and compares her style of parenting to what is commonly thought of as "western parenting."  I have noticed several books being released now under this same idea with other cultures...and while initially her style may strike you as fanatic, as her story unfolds it is interesting to find out that the choices she makes in her parenting are ones we are all faced with - she simply views them through a different lens.

We all have to decide, either on purpose or by "secondhand" affect what our children are exposed to and encouraged to do when they are young.  Most often we expose them to things we love - sports, music, reading.  Finding the balance of creating opportunities to explore and learn with pushing too hard OR giving up to easily is such a hard thing to do.

How do you choose which activities to expose your children too?
What age do you feel children should begin an "organized" activity - lessons, sports, etc.?
Are there parenting practices from other cultures that you admire?

1 comment:

  1. Love it! My brain is mush right now (awake at 3:15 a.m. to head to Colorado) so I can't answer your questions with any depth of thought, but I wanted to cheer you on and ask how I can "follow"? - I don't see a follow button.

    Looking forward to watching your blogging journey unfold. :)
