Monday, July 16, 2012

Managing an Inconveniece + What to do When Kids are Bored

Upon finding this quote on pinterest some time back it has weaved it's way into my brain and rattles around from time to time.  There are days when I all feel that I do is "manage" things.  Plan and make meals, get laundry washed and ready for put away, clean toilets and floors.  However, I hope that I take the time to make my children feel like valued little human beings.

I think this is harder than it sounds because it means that I both spend time and effort to train and love them, but that I also don't overdo it.  That I spend time stepping back and letting them discover parts of life on their own.  I want them to feel successful and confident as they grow.

As a society we are horrible at letting our children be "bored."  At my house I have found that typically boredom has a ten minute hump.  One of my children will come up and tell me they are bored.  I will respond with a few ideas (usually some fun and some chores) and let them know I will trust them to find something to do.  They then go on the whine and flop on the floor for 5-10 minutes, then they find something they are interested in.

During these "bored" sessions my children have made some of the things they are most proud of.  Creations of art projects are a popular one.  Reading a new library book, or even organizing a closet have happened too.

There has to be management of a home.  It is more pleasant to live with at least an outline of what needs to happen.  Some of you are great at checklists, some of you just have an overall idea of what needs to get done by tomorrow.  Whatever works for you is great.  As you are managing, think of ways to build your little human beings alongside you. 

Here are a few links to some "I'm bored" jar ideas - a simple craft to make for your family:

How do you "snap yourself out of it" when you are feeling like being a manager is your ONLY role?
What do you think are some of the best things you can encourage your kids to do when they are bored?


  1. Bored is almost a swear word in our home! The second I hear it I jump up and find my child a chore to do. I also tell them that there are so many things to do in a day, they can't possibly be bored! A couple weeks ago I told Dave I wanted to do something fun that evening because I was a little bor-. Before I could get the word off my tongue Ellis chirps up: "You can't say that word, Mom!"

    I feel like I'm putting out little fires all day long. I set out to accomplish my tasks and I'm side-tracked by spilled milk on the table, the dog puking in a bedroom, the phone ringing, finding someone has put all the dirty dishes in the bottom drawer - and I hadn't noticed for two days... It's a never ending list of unexpected to-do's that keep me busy. I do feel like I'm constantly managing the chaos - and some days I do better than others. I find that I deal with all of it better when I talk with Dave, when I read a devotional or when I get together with friends and just refresh with some "me" time.

    1. Well said girl! There are days when I love the chaos and days when I loathe it, but life is certainly never dull for long!

  2. Thanks for the ideas, Beka and love the "flop on the floor" image! So funny!

    1. Thanks Karen! It is what happens here, especialy with my 4 year old, usually his flops are very short lived though, because he is very easily distracted :)
