Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Gardening with Kids

I was lucky enough to grow up in a small house that had a nice size fenced in yard.  Within that yard we played, ran, and grew a garden.  I have very pleasant memories of planting, tending, and harvesting our own foods most summers.  Okay, so weeding wasn't my favorite, but overall it is a memory so strong that I knew I wanted to do this someday with my own children.  But how?

As our babies kept coming some years I planted small gardens and usually was too tired to keep them up so that they would produce the best they could.  One year in talking with my friend Mindy, she mentioned that each of her children had their own plot to tend and be responsible for.  I immediately filed this away in my brain for use when the time was forward to 2012 - this was the year!

We explored all the options for creating the boxes, building, buying, etc.  With a husband who coaches track and field in the spring I knew whatever option we went with I would be the one who implemented it.  So, I choose boxes that Sam's club was offering.

My two oldest weeding their boxes
As a family, we dug up the ground, added in compost, and tilled it all up (in a slight drizzle - wish I had pictures of that!).  Then, put in our boxes.  A trip to Walmart and each child was given the choice of 3 things to plant in their box.  It was so fun to see them process and ponder what they wanted to plant!  Eventually they all made their choices and we went home and planted and waited.

One of my 2 year old's choices - Dragon Tongue Green Beans
Each week they are responsible to weed, help me water, and harvest their garden bounty!

My 2 year old and one of her "ccini's"

The bounty!

What do you think tasks like gardening teach kids?
Is there something like this that you are excited to do with your kids and you are just waiting for the "season" of life to be right to do it?

1 comment:

  1. I think at your kids ages, they are learning responsibility and commitment. Which to me are the biggest two, because you want them to be responisible for things, and you want them to learn that when they commit to something, they need to stick with it. And when they stick with it, they get something back! And WHAT A BOUNTY THEY HAVE! So fun seeing their smiling faces in your pictures with their veggies. Super cool green beans by the way! I didn't even know those existed!!

    I'd love the chance to garden, but just haven't made that commitment yet. I do frequent the farmers markets. I'm getting closer to venturing into having the kids help with laundry....actually DOING the laundry,but I am not quite that comfortable yet. They do help with putting things away and some folding. Half the battle at least...

    Thanks for sharing about the kids gardens!! That is fun to see!!

    Jennifer Bailey
